Friends of Lapford School
Friends of Lapford Community Primary School (FLS)
The Friends of Lapford School (FLS) are a group of parents, carers, staff and friends of the school and Preschool. .
We support the school by fundraising for and planning social activities to help with the children’s learning. For example, we may subsidise school trips and/ or provide specific equipment for the classrooms.
Our typical year of events includes fundraising events such as Jumble Sales, A Christmas Craft Fair, Promise Auctions, Christmas Wreath Workshops and running stalls at the Lapford Revel.
FLS sell and stock items of school uniform, which are held at school, which provide good quality uniform at cost price to parents. Good quality second hand uniform is also available for a small donation to the Friends of Lapford School fund.
FLS is an information point for new parents/carers to the school and can offer friendly help and advice to all parents.
We welcome anyone who has an interest in the education and health of Lapford Community Primary School to join our group. We informally meet, half termly, and discuss ways in which we can positively support the school.
Contacts for Friends of Lapford Community Primary School are:
Chairperson: Kirsty Wensley 07977 825814. Secretary: Lorraine Kigongo 07940 185713.