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Admissions - Join Us!

We are always delighted to hear from anyone who would like to find out more about our school – please give us a call on 01363 83292 or email and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Chulmleigh Academy Trust is the admissions authority for our school, responsible for the admissions policies and decisions when there is an application for admission. We have an admissions policy for each academic year. Policies are written to comply with the School Admissions Code 2021 and the School Admissions Appeals Code 2022. We take part in the normal round and the in-year co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council.

Admission to Primary School starting September 2024

Admissions for all schools are via Devon County Council's School Admissions service. Please visit here for more information on how to apply.

The closing date is 15th January each year. Applications made after this date will be considered as 'late'. Please visit the DCC 'Late Applicants’ link here for more information.

For the normal round intake into school, children are offered places to start in Reception at the beginning of the September term after their fourth birthday, even if they intend to defer admission until later in the academic year.

A fresh application must be made for children who are attending our Nursery. Applications for Nursery places are made direct to the school. Please see further information on our Nursery page.

Admissions Policies

The above are our determined policies. If you have any comments regarding the policies, you can contact us at the school or

Lapford Community Primary School: Exceptional Social or Medical Need for Admission Supplementary Information Form

School Appeals

The Admissions Appeals Timetable 2025

The deadline for submitting appeals allows appellants at least 20 school days to prepare and submit a written appeal. The appeal must then be heard within 40 school days for the normal round and within 30 days for in-year admissions.
Allocation date for the normal round Reception intake: 16 April 2025
Deadline for appeal forms to be submitted: 31 May 2025
Appeals will be heard within 40 school days, by: 25 July 2025
Where possible, appeals that are submitted after 31 May will be heard by 25 July. If that is not possible, they will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal form being submitted.
In-year appeals can be submitted after a refusal. They will be heard within 30 school days of an appeal being submitted.

Full details and additional guidance leaflets for parents can be found on the How to appeal section of the guide to school admission appeals.
For more information please visit Devon County Council's School Appeals page here.